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Court Reporters

Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security

Service Branches

  • Marines logo
  • navy logo

Work Environment

Court reporters work in military law offices and courtrooms.

  • Military Status



In the Military, court reporters create word-for-word transcriptions at trials, depositions, administrative hearings, and other legal proceedings. They record the proceedings and prepare or supervise preparation and assembly of typewritten, summarized, or verbatim transcripts. Court reporters review records of proceedings for administrative completeness and technical accuracy.

Military Training

All enlisted service members complete basic military training, which includes time spent in a classroom and in the field, and covers tactical and survival skills, physical training, military life and customs, and weapons training. Court reporters in the Military will gain skills through classroom study and on-the-job experience. Job-specific training content may include:

  • Legal terminology
  • How to prepare legal documents
  • High speed transcription
  • Military judicial processes

Helpful Attributes

  • Ability to keep organized and accurate records
  • Ability to listen carefully
  • Interest in the law and legal proceedings
  • Punctuality
  • Knowledge of grammar and punctuation
  • Proofreading skills

Related Civilian Careers

  • Word Processors and Typists