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  • Explore Careers

    Explore Careers

    Get a complete picture of the skills, requirements and expectations of the many career options you’ll find in today’s Military.

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  • Career Stories

    Career Stories

    Learn about a military career from those who serve. These profiles offer a personal look at day-to-day life in a number of career fields

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  • Salary and Compensation

    Salary and Compensation

    A full or part-time military career provides a comfortable lifestyle with pay that competes with most civilian careers.

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  • Employment Benefits

    Employment Benefits

    Generous health care, paid vacation, retirement savings plans and more — these are just some of the benefits of life in today’s Military.

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  • Employment After the Military

    Employment After the Military

    Not only can military service provide the foundation for a successful civilian career, but all service members also have access to resources that help with that transition.

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Common Questions About Careers and Benefits

What jobs are available in the Military?

Much like the wide range of jobs found in the civilian working world, the Military offers hundreds of rewarding opportunities across many different career fields. Visit Explore Careers to discover opportunities that match your interests and skill sets.

To hear from service members about their own career experiences in the Military, visit Career Stories.

How do candidates find the career that they are interested in?

First, candidates need to confirm the career field or Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) they want are available by working with the service enlistment counselor at a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS). Thousands of different jobs are available, but not in each Service. Jobs are assigned based on several factors:

Potential recruits and parents should review the job categories in the careers section of this site and then discuss possible career paths with a recruiter.

Is it possible to switch jobs once in the Military?

The short answer is “yes.” However, many military jobs come with time commitments, so a service member might be obligated to remain in a specific career for the length of his or her contract. It is best to ask a recruiter for specifics, or, if already serving, to speak with the command career counselor.

What is pay like for military jobs?

Base Pay at each rank is the same across all Services, but many factors, including Special Pays, affect what a service member will actually earn.

How are service members prepared for success upon leaving the military?

For many service members, the Military serves as a foundation of skills and experience that translate into civilian careers. In addition to government programs that provide transition assistance, many organizations also provide employment resources and opportunities for those who are returning to civilian life.

For more common questions and answers, visit our FAQ page
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Wondering if you’ll find your fit in the Military? Wonder no more: There are literally hundreds of professional opportunities, no matter your interests.

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