Part-Time Service, Full-Time Compassion
Jennifer Liriano
Specialist | Army Reserve
As a licensed practical nurse (LPN) in the Army Reserve and civilian world, Jennifer’s using the complementary experience and training she’s received to become a registered nurse (RN). Her schooling is paid for thanks to the Military’s educational benefits.

As part of her RN education, Jennifer does clinicals (the hands-on portion of nursing school) at a local hospital. There, she manages patients, hangs IVs and works the floor.

At the end of her clinical, Jennifer gathers with fellow nursing students to discuss what they experienced during the day while their instructor tests their knowledge.

After Jennifer finishes for the day, she often gets her heart racing by kickboxing.

Jennifer spends one weekend a month training with her unit. As a platoon leader, she gets Soldiers into formation before ensuring they’re up to date with medical readiness, licenses, certifications and more.

Jennifer teaches a first-aid class to other Soldiers, which includes how to stop bleeding in the event of an injury.

Jennifer continues her drill day by refreshing medical skills such as tourniquets and pain management until the day ends around 5PM. After an overnight stay in a nearby hotel, she begins her second drill day with PT (physical training) and battle drills.