Phillip Lane Portriate

Phillip Lane

Developmental Engineer

Service Branch
Air Force
First Lieutenant
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

“[Developmental engineers] can literally do anything in the Air Force engineering-wise. If you are at any one of the Air Force research laboratory locations, [or] if you’re at a flight test squadron, chances are you’re probably working with some of the bigger aircraft like F-16s and F-22s. You might not be the pilot flying them, but you might be the engineer creating test cards and experiments.”

Career Spotlight

Developmental Engineer

Phillip Lane talking to his team at the meeting table

If you’re looking to ensure big, mechanical things run flawlessly ?, look no further than what Air Force developmental engineers. They specialize in aeronautics, flight testing and mechanical engineering (which makes sense, because engineers). Service members like Phillip are especially crucial for keeping these important systems on track.