Joining & Eligibility
Boot Camp
Basic Training — often called boot camp — prepares recruits for all elements of service: physical, mental and emotional. It gives service members the basic tools necessary to perform the roles that will be assigned to them for the duration of their tour. Each of the Services has its own training program, tailoring the curriculum to the specialized nature of its role in the Military.
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Boot Camp by Service
10 weeks
Fort Benning
Columbus, Georgia
Fort Jackson
Columbia, South Carolina
Fort Leonard Wood
Waynesville, Missouri
Fort Sill
Lawton, Oklahoma
Fort Knox
Fort Knox, Kentucky
Physical Fitness Requirements
- Three Rep Max Deadlift
- Standing Power Throw
- Hand-Release Push-Ups
- Sprint-Drag-Carry
- Plank
- Two-Mile Run
13 weeks
Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island
Parris Island, South Carolina
Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego
San Diego, California
Physical Fitness Requirements
- Pull-ups or Push-ups
- Timed Plank
- Timed Three-mile Run
10 weeks
Great Lakes Recruit Training Command
Great Lakes, Illinois
Physical Fitness Requirements
- Timed 1.5-mile run
- 2 sets, 30 seconds of planks
- 2 minutes of pushups
7.5 weeks
Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) Lackland
San Antonio, Texas
Physical Fitness Requirements
- Timed 1.5-mile run
- 2 minutes to complete as many correct repetitions of pushups
- 2 minutes to complete as many correct repetitions of situps
7.5 Weeks
Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) Lackland
San Antonio, Texas
Physical Fitness Requirements
- Timed 1.5-mile run
- 2 minutes to complete as many correct repetitions of pushups
- 2 minutes to complete as many correct repetitions of situps
8 weeks
Cape May Coast Guard Training Center
Cape May, New Jersey
Physical Fitness Requirements
- Timed 1.5-mile run
- 1 minute of Pushups
- 1 minute of Sit-ups
Note: Active Duty, Guard and Reserve personnel all attend their respective Service's boot camp.
Boot Camp Basics: Before Boot Camp
No matter which branch of the Service you choose, Basic Training is an intense experience. The purpose of this training isn’t to “break” recruits. In fact, the combination of physical training, field exercises and classroom time makes individuals strong and capable. It’s a tough process, but a rewarding one that many service members value for life.
To succeed in boot camp, you should prepare yourself physically and mentally. Daily cardio, weight training, pushups and situps are a must. You should also practice arriving early on a regular basis and sticking to a strict schedule. You should also delegate personal affairs to family or friends so you can focus on your training. For example, you will need to figure out who will pay the bills, collect the mail and manage bank accounts while you are at boot camp.
Good to know: By enlisting, you are contractually obligated to complete boot camp and serve. However, if you find that you are incompatible with serving, you can receive an administrative discharge.
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Boot Camp Basics: What Not To Bring
Proper packing can help ease the transition from civilian life to boot camp. The following list of what not to bring can help. Check with a recruiter for a comprehensive list.
Do not bring:
- Family
- Pets
- Expensive personal items — cameras, phones, laptops, jewelry, etc.
- Nonprescription drugs or drug paraphernalia
- Weapons of any type, including pocket knives
- Obscene or pornographic material
- Alcoholic beverages
- Playing cards/dice/dominoes
- Cigarettes/tobacco products
Good to know: This list is only an overview. For more detailed information, contact a recruiter.

Boot Camp Basics: Orientation
While each Service has different training schedules and requirements, the orientation process is basically the same across Services. During this time, new recruits might:
- Turn in enlistment packages (paperwork from the Military Entrance Processing Station [MEPS])
- Receive dental and medical exams
- Get immunizations
- Receive uniforms and training gear (shorts/sweats, T-shirts, etc.)
- Receive required haircuts (women can keep their hair long provided it can be worn within regulation)
- Create direct-deposit accounts for paychecks
Starting at orientation, the actual training begins. This varies from Service to Service and lasts between seven and 13 weeks.